M1.1- Something about Git and Git hub?

Nitin Shukla
1 min readApr 10, 2020

This is just short text if you do not want to read too much text.. just type it and enjoy!

A. Install on Mac (just cause I’m using it)


or Simply use HomeBrew

brew install gitIf you need to update then type: brew upgrade gitgit --version

B. Signup and create an account on Git hub (if you do not have)

C. Add github username and email to git

git config --global user.email "useremail@tellme.com"
git config --global user.name "tell_ur_name"

D. Add folders/files to git

Create a folder to your OS- git init
- git status
- git add
- git commit -m "...."
Push to your git- git remote add origin https://github.com/username/myfolder
- git push -u origin master

E. You can create repository on your github

- git clone <https://github.com/username/myfolder>
- git add <filename>
- git commit -m "...."
- git push
- git status
- For purpose of add something or want to create different version of it
- git pull
- git branch
- git checkout
- git merge
To see the info about the all changes
-git log
If something is wrong to your new version and wana go back to previous version
-git reset

F. How to git remove folder remotely

git rm -r --cached <folder>
git commit -m "Removed Folder"
git push origin master

That’s all for time being…

Nitin Shukla




Nitin Shukla

My interests are in: Science&technology, Programming Micro-Macro Economy, Geo-politics, Renewable energy, Learning new skills, Playing and watching Tennis.